Ambassador Dossier
Be our Ambassador, Be Tiralahilacha
Give your community 10€ for every purchase they make, and earn between 10-14€ for yourself when they order using your Link.
Everyone that shares our love for Planet Earth, that likes our Style, and that has worked hard to build a community around a personal idea, willing to share our brand and help us build a more conscious world.
Bring the Ambassador's Comunity more value & quality by offering our carefully crafted clothing items at a better price & exclusive terms.
Generate more incentives for the Ambassador's follower base to keep comming back to the Ambassador's channels for content, inspiration, and shopping benefits.
Bring like-minded people to our brand ecosystem, sharing with them our idea of a more sustainable planet, the need for a respectful care in the relationship between adults and infants, based on strong ethical fundamentals and mutual confidence.
We truly value your efforts and passion in becoming someone that inspires others, we know from experience that this is not something easy to achieve, but we love you and we like to have you around us.
Your Montly Level & Commissions Explanation
There are 3 Levels of Commission that reset every month.
You always start each month at Level 1, regardless of the Level that you achieved on the previous month.
· Important Note: All comission amounts already include all taxes ·
First 3 orders of the month: you get 10€ commission for each.
You achieve 3 orders: That makes a total of 30€
(10€ x3orders) = 30€
From the 4th to the 15th order of the same month: you get a 12€ commission for each.
You achieve a total of 10 orders in a month: You get 10€ from each of the first 3 orders and 12€ from the other 7 orders: That makes a total of 114€
(10€ x 3orders) + (12€ x 7orders) = 30€ + 84€ = 114€
From the 16th order and above: you get a 14€ commission for each.
You achieve a total of 60 orders in a month (2 per day): You get 10€ from each of the first 3 orders and, 12€ for each of orders from 4th to 15th, and 14€ for each of the other orders (45orders): That makes a total of 804€
(10€ x 3orders) + (12€ x 12orders) + (14€ x 45orders) = 30€ + 144€ + 630€ = 804€
If you achieve 100 orders in one single month, you get an additional 1.000€ bonus.
This doesn't affect your regular commissions.
You achieve a total of 100 orders in one single month (a bit more than 3 orders per day):
First you get your regular commission for all 100 orders, which makes a total of 1.364€
(10€ x 3orders) + (12€ x 12orders) + (14€ x 85orders) = 30€ + 144€ + 1.190€ = 1.364€
Then you get your Ambassador Pro Bonus: 1.000€
So, this is the total amount you will get for 100 orders in one month = 2.364€
Ambassador Space
Use the link above to Sign up if you haven't, and Log In to enter your Ambassador Space.
After Logging In, you will be presented with your AMBASSADOR SPACE's Dashboard.
This section inside your Ambassador Space shows all commissions you have earned.
Some are waiting for approval "Unpaid" (approval happens once the order has been shipped and fully processed), and some are already "Paid" and make for your store credit.
This is the link you want to share with your community so that they can purchase Tiralahilacha items from your channels.
Any order that comes from this link will give you a commission.
The customer has 30 days to make a purchase after visiting your Ambassador Link, and even then you will get your commission.
This is the Code that will be applied at checkout to all customers that come from your Ambassador Link and confirm their order.
Usually this is applied automatically when someone clicks on your Link, but the code can also be used without going through the link, and you will also get your commission.
Here you can see how many "Clicks" did you get from your Ambassador Link, how many Orders, and the total Comissions that come from these Orders.
Payment of commissions
Ambassadors without a legal entity, or those that have one but preffer to get all their commissions as Store Discount Codes, will be able to generate, at any moment, their own Discount codes for their personal use at our store, any time, without expiry date.
Example: If an Ambassador has achieved a total commissions amount of 500€ over a few months, from the Ambassador Space Payout / Store Credit Section it is possible to create Discount Codes as wished, up to the 500€ limit. That means 10 discount codes of 100€ each, or 20 discount codes of 50€ each, etc...
Ambassadors with a legal entity, which means any business legally able to generate invoices for its services, can get their payments through Paypal. All payments are done regularly as orders are confirmed and fully processed.
Note: In this case we will need the Ambassador to send us an Invoice before the end of each trimester, where the total payable amount corresponds to the total commission amount achieved during this trimester.
Store Credit:
If you get paid through Store Credit, you don't need to generate any invoice.
If you get paid through Paypal, then you need to generate one Invoice every Quarter: 4 invoices a year: January, April, July, & October.
If you prefer to have a different invoice frequency (once a month, once every 6 months, etc...) let us know and we can do it.
The important things to consider are:
- The Invoice must have your company name, address, and VAT number
- The Invoice must be made to our Company (information below)
- The final total Value of the Invoice (including all taxes) has to be the same amount of the Total Comissions that have been generated during this Trimester. This information is very easy to get from the Ambassador Space Dashboard.
This is our company info:
Tiralahilacha (Manufacturas Vall Benaiges SA), PI La Canaleta 11-13, Mas d'en Colom 11-13, 25300 Tarrega, Spain
Ambassador FAQ
If anything is unclear, we hope you find your answers here.
For anything else send us an email or call us.
No. Signing In for the program is free, and there is no risk.
If you get orders through your Ambassador Link you will get a commission, and if you don't, you won't get any commission, but there is no cost for you in any case.
Sure, there is nothing attaching you (or us) to this program.
This is a win-win cooperation, big or small, but with no strings attached.
Termination of the Agreement: Either party may terminate this agreement at any time by written notice (e-mail, mobile text, or letter) to the other party, with a notice period of thirty (30) days. Upon termination of the agreement, the Ambassador (Affiliate) shall not be entitled to any commissions or other types of compensation based on previously referred sales or customers.
As long as you share our values and like our products, we will support you.
We know how hard it is to start anything nowadays, from experience, so we appreciate your interest and hope that you have a long way and achieve what you deserve.
Sorry, that is not possible.
Legally, in order to get paid in cash, you need to be able to generate an invoice, with your company name, information, and VAT number.
Otherwise you will accumulate Store Credit, that you or your family & friends can use at our store to purchase goods anytime.